Sunday, August 28, 2011

We Will Miss You Mother

Today is a sad day for my family.I kind of thought that knowing it was coming would make it easier,but it doesn't. My great-grandmother passed away around midnight last night and we are all feeling the pain today.I mentioned before that we called her "Mother" because the women in my family do not like the word grandmother..they like to feel young as long as possible I guess.

I remember being a little girl and going to spend weekends with her.We used to bake cookies,go to yard sales,attend church seemed she was always on the go.In the last few years,I am ashamed to say we didn't spend time with her like we should have.I guess we always think there is more time and then suddenly there isn't.I went to visit her last week with my sister and grandmother, not knowing it was the last time I would ever see her alive.I had planned to go see her again today,but that wasn't meant to be.I ask you to bear with me this week if I am behind on posting,drawing winners or anything else blog related,as I have much to do and really don't feel like doing anything.

I am happy she lived a long and full life.Mother was 92 years old and she had outlived 4 husbands,so we really couldn't have asked for more.I am glad her suffering is over and she is not in pain,but I am so sad to know I will never see her again.My sister is pregnant and she will never get to see her great,great grandson.I wish we never had to face this in life and for me,2 grandparents in less than a year is almost unbearable.My comfort lies in knowing they fully believed they are walking with God now,and for that I am grateful.I cannot imagine knowing you are dying and having nothing to soften the blow.

I will miss you Mother,even though I have failed you miserably in the last few years.I let time slip away from me and now I can never take that back.I am sorry for not being there more,for not giving you a chance to know my children better and for not taking more time just to let you know how much you really did mean to me.I love you always.

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