Thursday, September 11, 2014

Preparing For Summer Camps

Even though the kids are back at school for the year, that doesn't mean we stop thinking of summer. In fact, when one summer ends, the time to start planning for the next one begins. One of the things the kids like to do during summer is go to camps. they attend several day camps, youth groups and functions throughout summer and we sometimes have to decide what they want to do more because of scheduling.

When preparing for summer camps we have to consider many factors, Will the kids stay there the whole time? What supplies or accessories do they need? How much clothing can they bring? Will they need money for things while there? the list goes on and on. It can be a bit overwhelming trying to remember everything you need, which is why we start so early.

There are helpful online summer camp resources such as Tips on Trips and Camps. You can search local websites for camp information or the state listing to see available camps, or just do some research on your own. Making a list is always helpful so you can cross items off as you go. If you are anything like me, you will actually end up with several lists of the different things you need, have to do or want to remember. Taking advantage of available resources can save you time and headaches.

Even if you aren't like me and it doesn't take you whole year to get it together, there are still some great ideas and information out there. You can find tips on packing bags, ideas for entertaining things to take, tips for selecting camps and much more. It never hurts to take a look because you just don't know what you may come across. In my opinion, anything that serves a purpose or fills a need and saves me time and hassle is a win!

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