Sunday, January 15, 2012

Using Goal For It to Tame the Chaos

Trying to keep everything done in my house is a little like working at the circus.Between the kids,husband,bunny and myself,the work never seems to end.My children are famous for leaving their clothes on the floor and their books and toys everywhere else.I end up telling them every day to pick up this or put away that,and I know they have enough common sense to do it on their own.

When I saw the opportunity to tell you about the fun way to keep track of chores and goals with Goal for It,I knew it was something I wanted to try.I started by creating my free account and then starting a Chore Chart for each of the kids.

You select the name,age and gender of the child you are making the chart for and then select a design from categories like wheels,cute critters and storybook,action,adventure and aliens and more.Next you add the chores you want to be done,the number of days and the amount of "moolah" earned for each chore.The "moolah" is cash that can be turned in for rewards that you choose.I used mine to allot time for video games and computer use,which are the first things to go when they don't do their chores now.

The process is very simple and I was able to create the charts in minutes.I set my email reminder to once a week,just in case I forget to update,and am good to go.Whenever I come back to add the completed chores,all I have to do is click the easy to use button,select a reward sticker,and go on to the next one.I can keep track of all their chores,all the time,in just minutes a week and the results and rewards are clear to us all.

To help with the rest of your charting needs,Goal For It offers,behavior charts,to do lists and more! You can keep track of charts and lists for everyone in your house in one easy place.The gender and age based charts allow for a personalized experience and the individual rewards can vary from one child to another as appropriate.

I really liked my experience so far,and the kids seem to like that they can earn more gaming and Internet time instead of the set amount they had before.Of course,I set the rewards so they can earn more,but still not too much.I plan to add more reward options in just a minute and update a few chores too.

***All opinions on my blog are my own and may not be the same as anyone else..that's why they are mine.This is a compensated post as a member of Mom Select,however I am using the product and the mentioned opinions are based on my actual experience.***

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